
今日、クレジットの明細書が来たのだが、その中に身に覚えのない請求がある。利用内容が「INTL CLTO 01181 800-576211」、請求額が「USD 39.91」相当。

Avoid "Call to International" (INTL CLTO)
I also got screwed by the "Call to International" company (800-576-2118) as well. Five calls, each $39.91. I used my credit card in a Hotel Punta Cana, Dom. Rep. I contacted my credit card company to get information about the INTL CLTO company, but they couldn't help me. Now I'm looking for contact information for this company.

ちなみに上の人(5 callsとはご愁傷様)はlooking for contact informationだそうだが、http://www.jamaicans.com/tourist/jletters/dichotomy_of_jamaica.htm によると、

If you've found yourself victim to this company's exorbitant charges, please take the time to call and also write a letter of complaint to the following.
Call to International
P.O. Box 3529
Long View, Texas 75606


The following part was added on December 22, 2003 as I found someone came to this page from foreign search engines.